Millinery Collection 50 Books * CDROM * PDF (FREE SHIPPING)


** Books


A complete course in millinery; twenty-four practical lessons detailing the processes for mastering the art of millinery; a text book for teachers of millinery by Bottomley, Julia - 1919
A Seasonal Industry A Study of the Millinery Trade in New York by Mary Van Kleeck - 1917
Complete guide to millinery of Kintzel millinery school by Kintzel, Margaret - 1915
Concerning millinery - Gablin, Kate J. - 1902
Dressmaking and millinery by Briner Edna - 1916
Fine millinery  fall and winter styles for ladies, misses and children, 1899-1900. by H. OïNeill & Co. - 1899
Home millinery course; a thorough, practical and complete series of lessons by National Millinery Company - 1909
Home millinery, Madame Margariete's manual by Creamer, Margariet Alice (Hoffa) - 1920
Make Your Own Hats by Gene Allen Martin
Millinery  French pattern bonnets, and round hats ... - By H. OïNeill & Co. - 1879
Millinery  theoretical and practical by Hill, Clare - 1905
Millinery as a trade for women by Perry Lorinda - 1916
Millinery by Aiken, Charlotte Rankin - 1918
Millinery by Aiken, Charlotte Rankin - 1922
Modern millinery; a workroom text book containing complete instruction in the work of preparing, making and copying millinery by Lion, Hester B. - 1922
The Canadian Millinery Review January-December 1910 - 1910
The Handbook of Millinery - 1847
The Ladies' self instructor in millinery and mantua making, embroidery and appliqu‚, canvas-work, knitting, netting, and crochet-work - 1853
The milliner's guide, a complete handy reference book for the workroom, embraces the professional experience of ages by Bottomley - 1917
The millinery trade in Boston and Philadelphia  a study of women in industry by Perry Lorinda - 1916