Welcome to the Endurance 70, 80 and 90 Series, an advanced workout system to increase fitness, stamina, strength and balance. These are interval workouts where you work hard for 70, 80 or 90 seconds, depending on which workout, and then rest for just 10 seconds. There are 20 rounds in each workout, finishing with a stretch. There’s a large variety of functional exercises to engage your mind and body. You can mix and match the workouts for a longer challenge or do them alone when you have less time. THE SET INCLUDES: Endurance 70 (128 mins, 4 workouts: Up & Down, Mostly Lower, Cardio Box Sculpt, Total Sculpt). This is a fun mix of workouts including some cardio boxing, functional lunge combinations as well as handstand variations and lots of up and down moves to challenge your mind and muscles. Endurance 80 (144 mins, 4 workouts: Take it off, Add it on, Body Burner, Full Body): The workouts are designed to fully fatigue your muscles and to take you to another level of focus and technique. Your balance will be challenged and your muscles will feel the burn! There are lots of more intricate combination moves to improve your coordination and mind to muscle connection. Endurance 90 (160 mins, 4 workouts: Total Body, Lower, Handstand variations, cardio sculpt): A great mix of cardio sculpt and pure sculpt workouts that will hit all your major muscle groups. You will sweat and puff and also increase your strength and mobility with interesting combinations and up and down moves to keep your heart rate up high. These workouts will prepare you for the even longer intervals in the sequel to this DVD. Equipment: light & medium dumbbells, chair About the instructor: Hi, I'm Linda - creator of Barlates Body Blitz. I have worked in the diet and fitness industry for most of my career and have created close to 600 workout videos to bring my passion for exercise to you! My desire is to help you sculpt a strong, healthy body with a fusion of barre, Pilates, yoga as well as more traditional cardio + toning exercises. So what are you waiting for? Let's go workout together!xxx Linda