Brand new and Handmade to order.


Skull Suncatcher, Window or Wall Art


A windchime style suncatcher, handmade in USA and ready to ship. 

Skull Suncatcher, my Small version in Clear and black glass octagon crystals and chainmail.  
The top is a large 2" skull full of sparkling crystals.
Chainmail is done in the Timeless Byzantine weave with Endless         Vortex Silver Spirals, various weaves, handcrafted chains in large 
and small sizes.  

The chainmail is handcrafted in stainless steel in black and silver. 
I added silver skull beads and charms in lots of styles throughout the piece.
The center bottom a black crystal.

     Created by ORR What

 Attachment at the top is a steel ring to hang from a nail or a hook.  

 Length is about 10" long X 1 1/2" wide.  Made and ready to ship next business day.
 More suncatchers in the works in other colors and themes, dragons, wolves, angels and more, check back soon.

 I'll be offering my suncatchers and chimes as they are made, enjoy your browse. 


Makes a Unique Handmade Gift for You or Your BFF.