Have you wanted to get started on doing a little more spell work but weren't sure where to begin? Do you enjoy collecting & using crystals and herbs but feel overwhelmed on where to get them, the quality you'll receive & the price you'll pay?  Look no further! 
I have the perfect solution for you! Sign up for my "Get My Witchy On"  Monthly Package & each month you'll receive: 
1 spell kit with ingredients, 1 crystal with info sheet, one approximately 1/2 oz herb with information for $30 monthly with FREE shipping in the continental US! 
This is a great way to begin your journey without feeling too overwhelmed yet you'll be learning a good deal each month which will help you to retain the information longer.  
You have your choice of a 3,6, 12 month subscription where you'll pay monthly throughout your subscription; however, if you pay your subscription at once, you'll receive 10% discount on the entire subscription price! 

Below, you'll find images of the sorts of items that'll be included each month.