Hand Picked List: Love Me or Leave Me

"For Lovers and Losers Alike, Get Ready for Valentine's Day!"
Brought to you by Victorian_Woman
Main category Collectibles | View count 387 | Clickthrough count 164
Published on 01/08/22

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Hearts, candy and flowers are traditional, but what is your most unusual Valentine gift, that you gave or received?

Starfisher says: January 09, 2022

My husband and I give each other a Valentine stuffed animal every year. For Valentine’s Day Week, we fill the rooms with all we have collected throughout the years. It is the one week the animals come out of storage and remind us of all the love we have shared.

Victorian_Woman says: January 09, 2022

What a nice tradition!! Thanks for sharing that.

AudiLee says: January 10, 2022

Very creative and I love your picks!! I would say my valentine cards are probably the most unusual? things that I have given but they are also probably rather silly. I have made hearts out of construction paper and cardboard, then added things like a stick of gum (Let’s stick together) a lolli-pop (I’m a sucker for you) but maybe the best was a deck of playing cards that I used a hole punch and put them together with a big metal ring. I called it 52 Things I Love About You" Each card I placed a note on the back with a different reason (it wasn’t hard to do with my hubby) ;) and he has had it on his desk ever since

Victorian_Woman says: January 10, 2022

The playing cards sound so neat!!! That is wonderful that he still has them on his desk. What a great idea. You are very creative. All your ideas sound fun. Thanks for sharing.