**I LOVE plants that can be neglected and still thrive well!** ****GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE**** ***** MONSTER SUNFLOWER ***** 30 feet ! Sunflowers will always be grown as long as there are children and competitions! Just the word sunflower conjures up a scene of tall plants with great yellow plate-sized faces, following the sun as it moves. For many gardeners, sunflowers simply form part of the summer display, but for others sunflowers present an opportunity for a contest: who can grow the largest? Botanical name: Helianthus Max. Plant type: Flower Sun exposure: Full Sun Soil type: Sandy, Loamy Soil pH: Neutral?, Alkaline/Basic? Flower color: Yellow Bloom time: Summer Sunflowers say "summer" like no other plant. MONSTERS grows so HUGE !!! This large yellow flower also has a yellow & black centers, creating a very sunny-looking TREE!! This very tall-growing sunflower Cross breed, will reach between 30 feet!!! Their giant plate-shaped flowers can reach over 30 inches wide!! When planted along a fence or wall, they create a spectacular explosion of color once they mature!!!! As with all sunflowers, they require a full sun position for maximum results.