Five sewing needle threaders for those of us who do not have the eye sight or ability to thread regular sewing needles anymore.
I have been using this handy item for about 5 yrs now and was down to my last one. (yes they do break) I looked for them at dollar stores and other places in my area and could not find them, or the prices were around a dollar a piece when purchased in a 3 pack.  You pay nicely for that pretty blister pack
Well if you can do with out the pretty packinging and get along with a couple more threaders sent first class then these are for you, or, if you want 10 just add a dollar more, shipping will be the same.


Aluminum+Alloy(Lead and nickel free)


Approx: 41mm x 17mm wire:12x3mm
Thickness: 0.4mm
conversion : 1 inch = 25.4mm or 1mm = 0.0393 inch


dull silver tone(not silver plated)


You will get 6 Pcs of this item at the list price


1.Push threader thru needle eye.
2.Pass thread thru threader.
3.Withdraw threader.