Growing and caring for these plants is very time consuming so that is where the bulk of our time is spent. You will receive a plant similar in size & height to the one pictured, sometimes a little larger than what is pictured and sometimes a little smaller. Sometimes a littler fuller and sometimes a little less full. But it will be a healthy well rooted plants.

Care Instructions:
The plants in pictures are a example of what you will receive. Each plant is well rooted and ready to be planted. I recommend starting them in 2" pots. And only move up to next size pot when it becomes root bound.Do not over water them. Keep them moist but not soaked. Use a fast draining soil mixture. Feed them during the spring and summer with liquid Miracle Grow every 2/3 weeks.Do not put them in direct sun. They like softer indirect light. Protect the from temps below 40

It is very common for these plants to go through stress from shipping!!! It is very possible for them to arrive with there leaves wilted/withered or yellowed from stress. It is also possible for some or all of the leaves to fall off during or soon after shipment. It is also common for some of the leaves to get bent or broken during shipment.  This is no cause for alarm!!! As long as the main stem is not broken and is healthy looking the plant will be fine. If the plant arrives wilted water it and place it in shade it will recover soon