Growing environment

Temperature: I like warm, humid and semi-cloudy environment. The suitable temperature for the growth of hydrangea is 18-28℃, and the temperature in winter is not lower than 5℃. Flower bud differentiation takes 6-8 weeks at 5-7 C. The temperature of 20℃ can promote flowering, and maintaining 16℃ after flowering can prolong the flowering period. But high temperature makes flowers fade quickly.

Moisture: Hydrangea basin soil should be kept moist, but it should not be watered too much, especially in rainy season, so as to prevent root rot caused by waterlogging. In winter, indoor potted hydrangea should be slightly dry. If it is too wet, the leaves will rot easily.

Lighting: Usually, cultivation should avoid the hot sun, and 60%~70% shading is the most ideal. Proper shading can prolong the flowering period when the light is too strong in midsummer. Remove the stem after flowering to promote the production of new branches.

Soil: loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam is the best soil. However, the color is affected by the soil pH, and the acid soil flower is blue and the alkaline soil flower is red. Pot soil should be kept moist, but it should not be watered too much. Pay attention to drainage especially in rainy season to prevent root rot caused by waterlogging.