You and just 1,700 other humans will be able to boast about owning this stellar keepsake of Star Trek’s 50th anniversary! Be one of the lucky few to take home this framed stamp pane, limited in edition to match the U.S.S. Enterprise’s registry number: NCC-1701. As an added bonus, the pane is the only collectible to sport a metallic gold-ink postmark of the Enterprise’s shuttlecraft. The pane features five of the most memorable characters from the original Star Trek series: the Enterprise’s “Fab Four”—Captain Kirk, Spock, Scotty, and Doctor Leonard “Bones” McCoy—and a villain viewers loved to hate, Commander Kor of the Klingon Empire. Classic head shots of each character—designed using stills from the original series—are set against interior or exterior shots of the vessels on which they lived and worked. Kirk and Kor are pictured with the Enterprise and a Klingon battle cruiser, while the other three officers are in their respective elements—on the bridge, in the engine room, and in sickbay.