Please read my seller policies before buying.
Earth mined Sapphire . 2.05 cwt. Earth Mined . 9x8.1mm. Why Settle for Imitations?
95% of all sapphires are heated to improve the clarity and it is totally accepted in the trade. Unheated are more expensive.
I can provide my signed and sealed appraisal of retail replacement value of $490 for an additional $5 if requested.

I have been a gemologist for decades and I am now retired and do this to raise funds for animal sanctuaries. My selling price is determined by what I had to pay, and it is always far below retail replacement value. Many were purchased years ago. The retail replacement figure is designed for bricks and mortar jewelers with high overheads.

For those that request it, I can provide my signed and sealed appraisal of $490 US retail replacement for an additional $5. My estimates are considered conservative, but I have no degrees. For those preferring an independent appraisal, I have many better gems listed here that have been appraised by independent master valuer Steven Knight GG,R.M.V. , CJA-CAP.

All our gemstones are true gems, earth mined, not man made, hand cut, not machine cut. EXPECT FLAWS! We provide unaltered pictures of the gem for you at very high magnification. Minor inclusions in any gem are not, as some think, a bad thing. They help a gemologist determine the authenticity of a gem. Man made gems are perfect.... but they are not real earth mined gems, and can be made in the millions, and do not increase in value. The difference between an original oil and a print. Supply and demand rules
My selling prices are determined by my cost. Many items were purchased decades ago when prices were considerably less.

For those that do not want to settle for imitations, this is a chance to buy real gems at good prices. All gems have been examined by at least one gemologist. Many by a master valuer. There are an incredible number of fake gems out there. All my gems are earth mined, genuine gems. Why settle for imitations. Supply and demand rules in true gem buying as in every other human investment.

Each earth mined gem is a unique work of art, unlike the lab produced stones that can be produced in unlimited quantities.
Even worse than the lab produced stones are the glass enhanced ones....almost worthless.
Some people will never understand why people buy an original work of art when they can buy a poster for next to nothing.
Earth mined gems are for those that do. Invest in quality.

NOTE: Supply and demand rules in true gem buying as in every other human investment.
Each earth mined gem is a unique work of art, unlike the lab produced stones that can be produced in unlimited quantities.
Even worse than the lab produced stones are the glass enhanced ones....almost worthless.
Some people will never understand why people buy an original work of art when they can buy a poster for next to nothing.
Earth mined gems are for those that do. Invest in quality.

Sapphire is the birth stone for those born in September. Corundum, with traces of iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium or magnesium responsible for the color. Sapphires are 9 on the moh's scale, right behind diamond ( moh's10)
Sapphire is said to bring peace and prosperity to those that own it.
Sapphires are not as expensive as the other corundum, Ruby. The most expensive sapphire to my knowledge sold for approx. $17,00,000.00 at auction.