100 Ornamental Blue Fescue Grasses Seeds

Ornamental Blue Fescues (Festuca Cinerea Glauca Varna) have traditionally been viewed only as ornamental grasses, with a few spaced plants in a landscape bed. Blue fescues look beautiful in this setting or mixed with wildflowers, they can be used in many other areas where low maintenance turf is desired.

* son: Perennial
* Zones: 4 - 7
* Height: 10 inches
* Width: 8 inches
* Foliage Color: Grey-blue
* Flower Color: Grey-blue
* Soil Requirement: Average to dry soils, pH 5.8 - 6.8
* Environment: Full sun
* Moisture Requirements: Average to dry

Planting Directions

* Average Germ Time: 2 - 3 weeks
* Light Required: Yes
* Depth: Do not cover the seeds, but tightly press into the earth
* Sowing Rate: 3 seeds per plant
* Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
* Plant Spacing: 12 inches

Blue Fescue